Current Vote Question
Current Vote Question
Dear community of owners,
our apartment building is a place that we all like and where we all want to and should feel comfortable. It is therefore our goal to maintain and improve it, to make it fit for the future. With this in mind, we would like to contribute to our community.
This year, two new advisory board members will be elected during the owners' meeting. We thank Mr. Mischke and Mr. Truckses for their years of commitment and work. And we are delighted that Mr. Enzenberger's experience on the advisory board will be preserved. At the same time, we see the task of making the work and decisions of the advisory board transparent and community-oriented. We want to give weight to the changing house community: be it the increasing internationality of the owners, the service orientation for rentals and the family-friendliness for owners and guests.
We are a group of newer owners who have bought an apartment in the house in the past years and who are equally committed to the well-being of the house and the community. We are international and we communicate with each other. We are committed to improvements in the home and for the community.
From our group, two owners have agreed to stand for election to the advisory board. We would like to invite everyone to actively participate in the design of our apartment house, to contribute ideas and to get involved. In this way, our positive efforts can be expanded and all owners benefit from our commitment.
Improve access to information
The advisory board makes necessary decisions throughout the year, should they be necessary. Altmann & Partners then implement them. We are committed to ensuring that there is more transparency in the future as to which decisions and problems there are in-house. So far, unfortunately, there was very little information on this.
Gradual modernization of the house
In addition to repair work, the house should also go with the times. Small steps are often enough to keep up with the times. For example, a digital locking system would replace the physical keys which improve security and improve guest satisfaction. Stable Internet connectivity and remote heating control allow each owner to save money for the heating. TV coverage should also be ensured.
Improve communication
During the last years the community of the house has changed due to changes of owners. We believe that in order to improve communication we need to get to know each other and exchange information and ideas. "Talking brings people together" - it says so nicely. Good ideas and realistic goals can only be achieved through genuine cooperation. We would like to look even more intensively at the community conversation. Both informally in e.g. a joint leisure meeting in-house, as well as officially via modern communication media.