Current Vote Question
Current Vote Question

Dear co-owners,
surely you have all received the email from Nicole Urbanek and Carmen Bethke, in which they list many points which, from their point of view, are not currently running optimally in the apartment house.
We also see that there are indeed issues that we absolutely have to clarify, for the benefit of the community and the apartment house. With reference to Nicole's and Carmen's email, we would like to highlight the three main points:

1) We agree that there is a need for clarification and optimization with Altmann & Partner (e.g. billing, missing information, non-transparency of costs, unsatisfactory organization and implementation of the owner meetings).
2) We recognize that the previous rental services of the caretaker couple have been limited and are therefore no longer optimal for the renting owners (e.g. apartment cleaning, key handover, office hours, tourist tax).
3) We also noticed that some owners obviously have a personal problem with the Sieberer family (e.g. personal impressions attached in Nicole Urbanek's and Carmen Bethke's email, type of interaction at the owner meetings).
The seemingly only alternative solution by Carmen Urbanek and Nicole Bethke is the termination of Margit and Walter Sieberer and then the termination of the contracts with Altmann & Partner.
We disagree with this procedure!
Because there are currently no proposed alternatives, who will take over the caretaker and property management tasks in the future and on what terms. The house would be without caretaker from the summer high season on?
Let us not rush anything, but solve the problems objectively and goal-oriented.

Have a thematic discussion among us owners in order to bring together those topics that do not go well from a factual perspective, both with the Sieberer family and with Altmann & Partner.
Let us make up for the lack of official efforts by the owner community to solve the problems strategically and objectively. Then we have a conversation with Margit and Walter Sieberer, in which some owners who are not emotionally preoccupied discuss all points with them and look for solutions together, which may also require a change in the content of the contract.
Let us have an appointment with Altmann & Partner with a selection of dedicated owners in order to clearly express our ideas about changes and better information and communication and, if necessary, to contractually optimize the cooperation.
if there is no satisfactory solution with the caretaker couple and Altmann & Partner, obtain specific suggestions or offers for a future caretaker and property management solution.
We would have to clarify questions in advance, such as: Who should be the new caretaker and the new property manager? Under what conditions? With what contract content? What happens if no new contractors are found?
Take care that personal problems between people remain on a personal level and do not trigger the evaluation or reduction of the work done.

Please do not forget that the house is in good condition, both inside and outside. The Sieberer family is committed and has changed many things in the house for the better.
We can understand that Walter Sieberer's type of communication is not understood by everyone and that is why some guests have complained about this type of communication. But we have found that he is almost always ready to tackle maintenance of the house.
By the way: the reduction of the fixed office hours was jointly decided at the owners' meeting in 2019. The aim of this measure was the effective use of the caretaker's available working hours.
Alfred Mischke (Board member) also points out that it is strongly advised not to transfer a number of powers of attorney to one owner. If an owner has the absolute majority of the owners in this way, he can decide practically anything he wants. Good decisions prevail even without "monopolies of power", really bad decisions only with an absolute majority in one hand.
We would like to invite you to collect together at those topics that we would like to address and clarify with the Sieberer family and with Altmann & Partner. Let us see this problem as an opportunity to finally act as a community and clarify our interests. But please do so with respect, objectivity and confidence - and also with a bit of humour.

And as Nicole Urbanek and Carmen Bethke rightly say:
..our apartment house is something very special,
which we all appreciate very much...
Let us also show this appreciation for each other and when acting together.
The owners who already support the approach above are:

TOP 41

TOP 13

TOP 12

TOP 43

TOP 46 & 47

TOP 16

TOP 28

TOP 39


TOP 14

Dear community of owners,
We wanted to introduce you to the website at the next owners' meeting. It should be an offer from us owners to the community to get more information, to communicate with each other and to get involved, if you want. Therefore, there is an owner page with a login, for which you have to register in order to participate in discussions and activities.
This is how we want to make sure that we can speak openly among ourselves.
The website should also be a platform for us owners as well as for our holiday guests, on which all information about the holiday is available. We are still working on it, but we want to use this great tool now to enable us to start working together.